St Martin's

St Martin's CE VA Primary School

Pupil Premium and recovery premium

Our school receives a pupil premium grant. This an amount of money within its school budget to provide for children who are identified as requiring additional support to raise their attainment to an age related level and to close the attainment gap between their performance and that of other pupils in the school.

This money, known as the Pupil Premium Grant, is allocated on the basis of the number of children who have ever been in receipt of free school meals in the past 6 years (known as Ever6), children who are looked after (LAC), adopted children and children of armed service personnel.

 The Government says it is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be make for the individual pupils within their responsibility.

The school also receives recovery premium funding, linked to pupil premium children.  

 Please see the following document for details of funding, spending plans and impact

If you think your child may be eligible for the Pupil Premium grant please ask at the school office. Thank you



Please click on the documents below to view information about pupil premium and sports premium at St Martin's:
